

Hexense Labs Private Limited (“Company”/ “Us”/ “Our”/ “We”) has created this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) to describe the practices regarding the Information (as defined hereinafter), We receive, use, utilise, collect, process, store, disclose and transfer from the User (as defined hereinafter) on the Site (as defined hereinafter). We are committed to respecting the privacy rights of all viewers, recipients, browsers, surfers, and users (“User(s)”/ “You”/ “Your”) of our website: [](the “Site”). We consider Your trust as Our top priority and take the protection of Your Information very seriously. We want You to feel safe while viewing, browsing, surfing, downloading, landing on, using, and/ or accessing (“Using” or “Access” or “Accessing”) the Site. Please note that this Privacy Policy is applicable to all the Users of the Site, and the Information gathered therein, and not to any other information or websites or webpage. This Privacy Policy shall come into effect on such date and time when You first Access the Site. This Privacy Policy lets You know what Information We collect, how We may share that Information, and the Your choices regarding the sharing of Your Information. This Privacy Policy applies to the Site and/ or any other platform where We may collect Information. By Accessing the Site, utilising the services and/ or sharing Your Information, You are indicating Your acceptance of this Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”). You hereby consent to the collection, processing, usage, transfer of Your Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You are hereby advised to read this Privacy Policy carefully and fully understand the nature and purpose of gathering and/ or collecting Information and the usage, disclosure and sharing of such Information. This Privacy Policy shall at all times be read along with and is subject to such other the terms and conditions/ terms of use of the Company as made available on the Site, from time to time and this Privacy Policy may be amended by the Company at its sole discretion. Thus, You are requested to review this Privacy Policy from time to time to keep Yourself updated with the terms of this Privacy Policy. If You have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact Us at []. THIS POLICY EXPLAINS

  • the Information We may collect about You;
  • the use and role of cookies and similar technologies on the Site;
  • how We will protect and use the Information We collect about You and from You;
  • the circumstances in which We might disclose Your Information to anyone else;
  • when We may use Your details to contact You; and
  • how You can be sure that the Information We hold about You is accurate and current.


We use the collected Information to provide, develop and improve the Site and services that We offer You. The Information may be recorded in order to provide service references, and to assist in Our development. We use the Information You provide for purposes including, but not limited to technical administration and customization of the Site, ensuring that the content of the Site is presented to the Users in an effective manner, delivery of Information and targeted as well as non-targeted advertisements by the Company to the User, offering new products and services, dealing with requests, enquiries, complaints or disputes and other customer care related activities, improving the effectiveness of the Site, marketing endeavors, services, and offers, conducting research and analysis, etc.


While Accessing the Site, We may ask You to provide Us with certain personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) that can be used to contact or identify You. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to, email address, first name and last name, phone number, billing/ shipping information, temporary/ permanent residential/ corporate address, business registration details, state, province, ZIP/ postal code, city, KYC documents, geographical location, demographic information, purchase information including credit/ debit card number, electronic mode of payment Information through websites/ applications etc. We may also ask You to provide certain additional information about Yourself which may include any data that does not reveal Your specific identity and is publicly available or information about software and hardware usage, or any anonymized or aggregated data (“Other Information”).Personal Information and Other Information may collectively be referred to as (“Information”). We may also collect Information regarding Your interactions with the Site using cookies or click-stream technology and from third-party providers and We may also collect and store all correspondence, particularly in regard to sales, support, and accounts, including email, 1 telephone, fax or directly through the Site. You can choose not to provide any Information that We may request of You, but, in general, the Information We request, is required to provide You with Access to the Site and services, and the lack of such Information may prevent Us from doing so and impact the Site, service capability and certain features of the Site and services. Like other websites and online services, We and Our analytics providers and other third-party service providers may collect certain information ("Usage Information") whenever You Access the Site. Usage Information may include the browser and operating system You are using, the URL or advertisement that referred You to the Site, the search terms You entered into search engines that led You to the Site, all of the areas within the Site that You visit, and other such details. We may use Usage Information for a variety of purposes, including enhancing or otherwise improving the Site, products, and services. In addition, We may automatically collect Your IP address or other unique identifier ("Device Identifier") for any computer, mobile phone or other devices ("Devices") You may use to Access the Site. A Device Identifier is a number that is automatically assigned to Your Devices used to Access the Site, and Our servers may choose to identify Your Devices by its Device Identifier. Some mobile service providers may also provide Us or Our third-party service providers with information regarding the physical location of Your Devices used to Access the Site or services. Usage Information is generally non-identifying, but if We associate it with You as a specific and identifiable person, We treat it as Personal Information. Our Site and other platforms may Use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on the Site and hold certain Information. For instance, cookies help Us learn which areas of the Site are useful and which areas need improvement. Cookies are a standard feature of the Site consisting of small data files which may include an anonymous Device Identifier. Cookies are sent to Your browser from a website and stored on Your Devices. Tracking technologies also used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track Information and to improve and analyse the Site. You can choose whether to accept the use of cookies and similar technologies in general by changing the settings on Your browser. However, if You disable cookies, Your experience of the Site may be diminished, and some features may not work as intended. Embedded Scripts: Embedded script is a programming code that is designed to collect Information about Your interactions with the Site such as the links You click on. The code is temporarily downloaded onto Your Devices from Our server or any third-party service provider and is deactivated or deleted when You disconnect from the Site. In addition, tracking technologies may automatically record but not limited to information such as internet domain and host names; IP addresses; browser software and operating system types; CPU type; mode of internet connection i.e., connection speed through broadband access; click paths; dates and timings of Accessing the Site. We may use a variety of other technologies that collect similar Information for security and fraud detection purposes. We may also analyze additional information that does not include Personal Information for trends and statistics.


On rare occasions, We may be required to disclose Your Information due to legal or regulatory requirements. In such instances, We reserve the right to disclose Your Information as required in order to comply with Our legal obligations, including but not limited to complying with court orders, warrants, summons, service of process requirements, or discovery requests. We may also disclose Information about You to law enforcement officers or others, in the good faith that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce the terms and/ or policy; respond to claims that any Information violates the rights of third parties; or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of the Company, Users or the general public. You agree and acknowledge that We may not inform You prior to or after disclosures made according to this section. We may share Information with third parties in limited circumstances, ensuring the security of the Site, network, and services, preventing fraud or imminent harm including compliance with legal process. We may need to disclose/ transfer Your Information to governmental and/ or judicial institutions/ authorities, to the extent required:

  • Under the laws, rules, and regulations and/ or under orders of any relevant judicial or quasi-judicial authority;
  • To protect and defend the rights or property of the Company;
  • To fight fraud and credit risk;
  • When the Company, in its sole discretion, deems it necessary in order to protect its rights or the rights of others.

2 In certain circumstances, We may share Other Information with third parties. When We use third parties to assist Us in processing Your Information, We make sure that they comply with Our Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures. The Company may make all Information accessible to its employees and data processors/ third-party vendors on a need-to-know basis and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. The Company takes adequate steps to ensure that all the employees and data processors/ third-party vendors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of the Information, respect its confidentiality and that such employees, data processors/ third-party vendors adopt such reasonable level of security practices and procedures as required under applicable law. However, the Company does not disclose Information, individually labelled, or aggregated, obtained through any marketplace application programming interface on behalf of a User to other users or any third parties, unless required by law. Other Information may be disclosed to third party ad servers, ad agencies, technology vendors and research firms to serve non-targeted advertisements to the Users.


Links available/ displayed/ advertised on the Site to external entities, websites or applications are not governed by this Privacy Policy. If You click on a link to a third-party site or otherwise leave the Site, You will be directed to a website/ platform that is outside the purview of Our control. Since We cannot control the activities of third parties, We cannot accept any responsibility for any use of Your Information by such third parties, and We cannot guarantee that they will adhere to the same privacy and security practices as We do. The use of any Information provided by You to such websites shall be governed by the privacy policies provided therein. Therefore, if You visit a third-party website that is linked to the Site, You should consult that particular website's privacy policy before providing any Information. The terms and conditions set out in this Privacy Policy only cover the Site as listed out in this Privacy Policy.


The security of Information is important to Us. We will keep confidential and protect Your Information except where disclosure is required or permitted by law. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the Information submitted to Us, both during transmission of the Information and once We receive it. Information We gather is securely stored within databases controlled by Us. The databases are stored on servers secured behind a firewall and access to the servers is password-protected and is strictly limited. No method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however, while We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect Your Information, We cannot guarantee its absolute security. If You have any questions about security on the Site, You can email Us at([].) We will retain Your Information for as long as it is needed to fulfil the purpose for which We have collected it and for a reasonable period thereafter to comply with audit, accounting, contractual, technical, and legal requirements, and/ or to resolve any future disputes. We may retain Information indefinitely or to the extent allowed by applicable law.


If Your Personal Information changes, or if You no longer desire Our services, You may correct, update, delete or deactivate it by emailing Us at([].)COMMUNICATIONS The Company uses the Information for essential communications, such as emails, profile accounts, and other critical service details. We may also use this Information for other purposes, including some periodic newsletters and exclusive promotional emails offering special deals. If at any time You wish to not receive such correspondence, You can request to unsubscribe by emailing Us at ([].)By registering on the Site and/ or creating an account on the Site, You choose to do business with Us and allow Us to send You all business-related communication. ACCURACY To the extent that You do provide Us with Information, We wish to maintain the accurate and latest Information. Where We collect the Information from You on the Site, should You need to update or correct that Information, please contact Us and We shall make reasonable efforts to incorporate the changes in the Information that We hold as soon as practicable. You can get access to the Information provided by You and recorded by Us by emailing Us at ([].),and We shall to the best of Our efforts to send You the Information within 14 days of receipt of Your email. CHANGE OF CONTROL 3 In the event that the ownership or control of the Company changes, Your Information may be transferred. Any such disclosure or transfer of Your Information shall be subject to the safeguards as set out in this Privacy Policy.


Your Access of the Site and/ or any dispute over privacy shall be subject to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of India. Further, it is irrevocably and unconditionally agreed that the courts of New Delhi, India shall have exclusive jurisdiction to entertain any proceedings in relation to any disputes arising out of the same.


All grievances to be brought to the attention of the grievance officer at []. We shall, subject to applicable laws, take steps to resolve grievances within 60 (sixty) days from the date of receipt of a grievance.